What Is a Multi-Channel Marketing System? And Why You Need One

Today’s consumers demand a seamless experience, which means they can interact with businesses and receive their services anywhere they want. According to a study done by HBR, 73% of customers use more than one channel during the customer journey. That’s why a multi-channel marketing system is essential for any business looking to find new customers and improve their bottom line. 

To help you get started, let’s review what a multi-channel marketing system is, why it can benefit your company’s marketing strategy, and how to implement one. 


What is a multi-channel marketing system? 

A multi-channel marketing system is a digital marketing strategy that utilizes multiple channels to connect businesses to potential customers. A strong multi-channel marketing strategy synchronizes all the individual components in the campaign so they support and feed into one another. 

An example of a multi-channel marketing system would be a company advertising its products on multiple social media channels and driving traffic to the company’s website. Perhaps the company also has a loyalty card app that customers can download and receive rewards. Each step of this marketing strategy guides the customer from one channel to another, providing value and building trust. 


The following are the benefits of a multi-channel marketing system: 

Engages customers for longer 

The biggest benefit of this marketing system is that it allows you stay in front of customers for longer. Single channel marketing, such as an ad on Facebook, could easily be missed at the critical time when a customer is looking for your service. But if you have a presence in the typical digital spaces they interact with, they’re more likely to engage with the ad. 

For example, a potential customer may see your social media ad and learn the name of your company and the service you provide, but they don’t make the impulse purchase on that app. Then, you start advertising on Google and improving your website’s SEO to ensure that your website is easy to find when that customer starts researching relevant keywords. 


Creates a Comprehensive Understanding of Your Customer 

Just as this strategy helps customers get to know your brand, it can help you learn about your customers. Every channel you incorporate represents another opportunity to collect ideal customer data, including demographic information, location, and what kind of ad content is performing the best. This data can also help your company refine future advertising efforts and identify customer preferences. 


Boost efficiency of your marketing 

The longer your campaign runs, the more refined and optimized it becomes. A highly optimized marketing campaign drives the price of each lead down, freeing up more capital to expand your advertising efforts and reach more customers. You can even expand your current marketing campaign to more channels and establish a presence in front of more potential customers. 


Need help? 

Complex multi-channel marketing systems require the know-how to use each ad source individually and the expertise to weave them together into a single full-funnel campaign. F22 specializes in helping businesses develop a multilayered marketing campaign that’s guaranteed to source organic, qualified leads. Speak with a F22 marketing strategist today and start optimizing your online presence. 

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